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The Procession of Shooting Profile Pictures

Views: 19     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-27      Origin: Site

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With the development of times, everyone's rhythm of life is fast, and they always Fast browsing Various information in their life.

When communicating and interacting with customers, they leave a good impression from three aspects: image, performance and language. Their importance is: image is 55%, performance is 38%; language is 7%. Obviously, a person's shooting profile pictures also represent the customer's judgment and trust in his professionalism.

The employee image is the business card of the enterprise, and it is increasingly valued by the enterprice. Wifi family is a professional tile manufacturer with 25 years experience, recently, In order to reflect the professionalism of the company's services, we invited professional photographers to take photos of the company's team and individuals.

Our Team

On that day, the employees wore uniform clothes, but they took pictures of their own characteristics. Some people look lively, they are willing to help customers solve their problems about all porcelain tiles someone look rigorous, they will help customers to provide more detailed services.


The high quality porcelain tile provided by WIFi has our own design concept supports customization by customers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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